as you've probably heard ricky martin had twins with a surogat mother and plans to stop working for a year to take care of them. I think it's really sweet and his sexuality is not important here. of course everyone thinks he's gay but in the end it really is his private thing and it's probably not just his decision to stay closeted if this is true. can you imagine the machinery behind such a famous singer?

and just look at this picture - they look so happy together! how can society be so cruel to judge love and happines?

and can we really blame him for spending time with this major hottie??

you know what would maybe be a perfect scenario for me one day? to have 2 kids by a beautiful surogat mother - one with my semen and other one with my partners...
that way they would be half-brothers and each would have his own biological child :)
I know that I'm just dreaming now but still... it would be nice ;)
that way they would be half-brothers and each would have his own biological child :)
I know that I'm just dreaming now but still... it would be nice ;)
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