subota, 29. kolovoza 2009.

back to school

Well as summer starts to fade away, school begins to cum into our lives... so just embrace it :)

petak, 28. kolovoza 2009.

Do YOU love it?

I've been doing this blog thing for one year now on and off and during this time I got about 5000 hits (which is a lot since I didn't blog regularly). So now I want to hear from you for once! Do you love what I put on my blog or not? Do you want more videos? More pics?

Gimme some love :)


četvrtak, 27. kolovoza 2009.

another strap-on videos post

what can I say  ;) I just love it when something goes up a man's butt...

srijeda, 19. kolovoza 2009.

what r u lookin at?

I hear it's going to be a steamy fall this year...

četvrtak, 6. kolovoza 2009.

summer in the middle

almost half of the summer has passed boys... so r u enjoying your vacation yet?

you now you love it